Thursday, December 25, 2008

Just a Xmas rant...

Merry Christmas every one.

Christmas has not felt like Christmas in a few years. I'm not sure if it's b/c my Mom died 20 November 2004 and I miss her something fierce. It still feels like she's on vacation and she'll be returning anytime now... Still waiting.

I drove down to my sister's house yesterday to spend a few hours of Christmas Eve with her and my nieces and nephews. We drove the cemetery to put flowers on my Mom's grave. I sat there as my sister planted some tiny flowers around my Mom's head-stone. As I sat there I thought of all the things my Mom did for me that she couldn't afford but did anyway. Gracias, Jechu. Hasta luego.

In the past few years I've not been much into the "mandated" holidays. Anyone who knows me knows I usually don't give gifts just b/c it's preprinted on the calendar, and I certainly don't expect to receive gifts. I'd rather someone give me a card b/c they though of me and not b/c they feel obligated. Although, we all know there is always the exception.

This year has been somewhat different. It still doesn't feel like Christmas but I did feel like giving gifts, mainly to my Great-Niece [my niece's daughter]. She was born the date my Mom died, 20 November. I've never been very close to my nieces & nephews but there is something about this little rug-rat. She is the first person I have felt like giving something to. I just hope she enjoys her gift and much as she appeared to...